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Stress, burnout and low mood can hide under anyone’s exterior of ‘success’.

Mind Therapy provides Conversational Workshops and Interactive Talks on resilience and stress management to teams and managers.

Any one of us can project an image of achievement and be struggling underneath.

I call it the curse of the high functioning individual. It’s a sneaky kind of stress that we just become accustomed to - until we realise we’re not OK. 


Many highly productive or creative people haven’t needed to learn practical, actionable coping skills before.


Increased levels of distraction, irritability, procrastination, deteriorating performance…

As a manager in a high performing environment, you’ve seen these signs of stress among your staff.

And, we’ve seen how when our families or broader communities are stressed, we can be affected too.


Rather than leaving your best talent adrift with whatever coping strategies they happened to grow up with… Help them grow their capacity to purposefully recognise and respond to stress.


Give experiential, practical tools that your staff, managers, and team can immediately use when they hit a wall.

I informally call these six workshops The Stuff We Weren’t Taught. They are 90 minutes each.

Or get in touch for a bespoke workshop.


Building Resilience
The dance between capacity and challenge

We need an appropriate amount of stress to flourish, but resilience is a dynamic dance between our stress and coping capacity. Learn how values-based action eliminates our stress-autopilot and increases productivity in the areas that mean the most to us.

Coping with Change
Increasing your active coping threshold

Learn the spectrums of change and common unhelpful responses that stop forward momentum. Here you’ll learn practical tools you can use when you find yourself overwhelmed and avoiding, so challenges can be navigated.

Dial Down Anxiety
Learning to worry well

What is this thing called anxiety? Why does it happen? And what can I do? Learn the science behind anxiety and your brain and practice real skills to turn its volume down so life’s richness can unfold again.


Stress Management
Understand your unique stress signature

Our brains have strong reactions to stress - ones we might not notice until our pot boils over and our relationships to ourselves and others start to suffer. Tune into your emotional systems and learn how responding, not reacting, to stress can help us press pause in healthy ways.

Freedom from the cycle of fatigue

Worn out in the day but restless at night? It can become a nightmare of frustration. Learn easy, actionable strategies to help reset your body clock and aid quality sleep, deep rest, and boost daytime energy.

Cultivating peace amongst the chaos

Stress, criticism, comparison, judgement - our minds are developed with a strong bias towards negativity… Something that the press, media, and social media capitalise on. How can we consciously choose to grow our focus on a more hopeful, balanced outlook in our personal and professional lives, without denying life’s tough reality?


“We had a wonderful session for our people with Dr Mary Miller from Mind Therapy.”

I can honestly say it's one of the best mental wellbeing sessions I've attended. Dr Mary's sessions are always so well received at Sky New Zealand.

—Stephanie Whyte, Learning and Development Manager, SKY NEW ZEALAND


When you’re stressed, you’ll rely on the coping tools you have available… 

… And for many of us, our coping toolbox may only include alcohol, caffeine, and sucking it up.

Kia ora, I’m Dr. Mary Miller, executive coach. I’m passionate about working with people and organisations to help them build mental wellness and resilience. I created Mind Therapy to show teams and organisations the workplace-ready, applicable tools available to help better navigate life’s curve balls.

For enquiries about individual sessions, to discuss workshops for your team or organisation, or for professional supervision send me an email.

I also co-own a private clinic called Therapy Space in Auckland, where I practise as a New Zealand registered Clinical Psychologist. I’ve worked for the Auckland District Health Board and a number of private clinic settings. I’ve worked with SKY TV, Reuters Thompson, the international engineering firm Norman Disney Young, Auckland University, and have lectured at the Auckland University of Technology. My latest work - Fierce Compassion - is breaking new ground in leadership development.



Instant Reset: Start practising mindfulness, breathing, and relaxation, straight away

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“Mary has run a number of Wellness Seminars for our staff and students at Auckland Law, which offer practical tools to help equip participants to build resilience, cope with change, and manage stress.”

She is professional, knowledgeable and creates an environment where participants feel safe to contribute and engage with the material.

— Nikki Chamberlain, Associate Dean of Equity at Auckland University